Sharif Tabebordbar

Sharif Tabebordbar

Company: Kate Therapeutics

Job title: Chief Scientific Officer


Panel Discussion – Improving Delivery to the Muscle Cells to Reduce the Necessary Dosage 11:45 am

The current state of play of vectors being used for muscular delivery Reducing the CG content of vectors to reduce immune response and increase transgene expression Discussing optimal promotors to improve AAV muscle targeting and reduce dosageRead more

day: Day Two

Unlocking the Potential for Myotropic AAV Capsids 11:15 am

Using RGD motif to improve to specificity of the AAVs to muscle cells Exploring specific peptide insertions to de-target the liver and reduce toxicity Harnessing antibody technologies to support retargeting AAV to muscle cellsRead more

day: Day Two

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